Battlefield 2142

Shadowgrounds Cover


Top-Down Shooter





My Experience:

Completed the game in 5 hours


Bargain Bin


Shadowgrounds is a top-down shooter in which you move through human complexes in a space colony fighting aliens. You have access to assault rifles, shotguns, flamethrowers, grenade launchers, plasma rifles etc. Each weapon can be upgraded for more power and an alternate fire method. The game has a Co-Op mode which can be played if you have a Game Pad (controller) plugged into your PC. Co-Op is not online.


This game doesn't stand out much and gets repetitive. After beating a level, I usually didn't have the desire to play another one. I used the pistol 80% of the time to save the better weapons for the tougher enemies. It is good you have a decent infinite ammo weapon, but using the pistol so much gets old quick. I don't think I would recommend this game to anybody, but I will say if it looks interesting to you then buy it for a few dollars.

I will also note that Shadowgrounds was the first game developed by everyone on the Frozenbyte team, they learned a lot from this game and improved with Shadowgrounds Survivor and Trine.

The Good

  • The music is exciting
  • Decent variety of weapons
  • It's a shooter (if you are into that sort of thing)

The Bad

  • Gameplay is repetitive
  • Small variety of aliens
  • The story wasn't interesting

Quick Tips

  • Make weapon upgrades that save ammo a priority. Anything that says 'More Damage' will take less shots to kill an enemy.
  • The final weapon will take 150 total points to upgrade, save some upgrade points for it
  • During the final two levels, the game glitched and I could only use the pistol. Once I restarted the game the problem was fixed.


  • Shadowgrounds Survivor
  • Trine

