America's Army

America’s Army is a game that focuses on realistic modern combat. You die quickly, you bleed, and the guns have realistic spread and recoil. This forces players to think tactically, and work as a team with other players. Servers are ran by other players so lag is not a major problem. The game is class based and in order to play as a class you must undergo training for that specific class. Some of the classes are Weapons Sgt., squad leader, fire team leader, combat medic, rifleman, automatic rifleman, grenadier, and more. The missions that you go through require you to be extremely tactical, and function as a complete unit or team. There are several types of missions. In an infantry mission you can have most of your classes with the exception of indigenous forces, and you either play offense or defense. In airborne missions you start the mission with a low altitude drop armed with the m16a2 or the m249, and you can be on the assaulting team or the defending team. There are also 75th ranger’s missions, special forces missions and even some user created missions.

This game is 100% free.

You may need to put a lot of time into this game to learn maps and strategies. Every time I played I didn’t have much fun. – RenegadeFerret 8/16/2010