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Create a Sector

Want to create a new branch of our multigaming clan?

What We Provide

Managing a clan solely in-game can be difficult. We provide tools to help each game Sector succeed:

  • Website - A page to help organize new and old players alike. Tell new members to visit the homepage for easy-to-find information.
  • Forum - A place which makes communication easier by not requiring live meetings in-game.
  • Ventrilo - Channels dedicated to your Sector for better teamwork.
  • Networking - With multiple Sectors in one clan, you can easily find like-minded people on a new game.

We have a basic operation format for all Sectors, you are free to change this any way you like as long as you retain our clan rules.

The Sector Website

The website is there to help organize your Sector. Use it as much or little as you want, we don't want web managing to take away from more important clan duties. We will teach you how to edit the site's HTML content or set it up (with your desired content) if you don't want to spend any time on it. You may also want to find a trustworthy Sector member to become a Communications Officer and run the site/forum keeping everyone informed.

You can view a Demo Sector website by clicking here. Each Sector caters their content to their own needs, look at multiple Sectors to see some options. Here is a list of items found on the Demo Sector page:

Left Column

  • Sector Introduction - Gives a brief overview of your Sector, possibly the name you go by in the game as well.
  • Blog - Announce news, events, accomplishments or videos.
  • Roster - We recommend you at least keep a list of officers for members.
  • Forums - Members can fully utilize your Sector Forum without leaving your website!

Right Column

  • General Playtimes - It's easier to gather groups of players when times are designated.
  • Servers - Post any servers you own or your default servers of choice.
  • Sector Links - Mandatory threads you will create in your Sector's Forum.
  • Contact Officers - Links to PM each officer.