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Joining ATFO

Before you join decide if we will be a good fit for you, and you will be a good fit for us.

Who We Are

We tend to recruit more mature players who don't bother with petty video game quarrels. We are a group of 'regular' folks that play games to have fun. We could care less how good anyone is, the most important thing is enjoyment. We all work to improve ourselves, without sparking real world consequences.

The clan is divided into Sectors for each game. Each Sector creates their own methods and rules to best-suit the particular game's players. All players have the opportunity to create their own gaming experience; if you want to clan war, start organizing a team.

We have no age limits, all we ask is for you to act mature and not be an asshat.


Check your desired Sector for information on joining them.

If you want to create a new Sector, Click Here for more information.